Zach Margolis


Firefox? Ew.

Sunday June 1st, 2008

I had a longer rant to write. Since I don't want to have an excessively negative blog, I'll boil it down:

I am unhappy with Firefox because I can't find a reliable way to get mouse positions with it. window.event.clientX gives me the x-position in both Safari and Opera, but window.event appears to be undefined in Firefox.

As a side note, I have not tried this with Internet Explorer yet. The more I read the less I am angry at IE. They are terrible in terms of CSS, but it seems that in Javascript they are doing mostly OK. I haven't even startedXMLHttpRequest yet, which is supposed to be hellish cross-browser, but like I said, for now IE only bugs me when it comes to CSS. Sorry, Firefox, you are the weakest link (for now).

Tags: life


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