Portfolio Updated
Wednesday September 19th, 2007Today, at my last day at Defy Agency (Thanks for a great summer, guys! And double thanks for the Heroes DVD set! Deuce!) I netted the permission to display a few more sites in my web design portfolio. So go check 'em out! They look hot!
In other end-of-summer news, I move to Davis on Saturday, so now I get to finish packing. As far as this web site is concerned, I'm researching different ways to implement RSS. And this morning I had an epiphany or something. So I thought to myself, "Gee, wouldn't it be cool to try to study flashcards over the internet?" The more I thought about it, the more it made sense and the more I'm going to try to make it. The next killer web app! I'll post sketches soon or something.
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Millie on January 12th at 6:17 PM ylfzlt on January 14th at 5:58 AM