Zach Margolis


Blind Carbon Copy

Tuesday April 29th, 2008

BCC. That extra line under "CC" or "To:" when composing an email.

David Pogue discussed this email feature, called "Blind Carbon Copy" earlier this week. Which brings me to today.

I get a lot of emails sent to a lot of people other than myself. But this week, one of the primary senders began to use the BCC field, as evidenced by the surprisingly anemic "To:" and "CC:" fields in her emails. This by itself is kind of nice, when these emails are usually sent to the 114 or so of us on a list. However, she has now tapped into the mysteriously ominous power that the BCC field contains.

So when I receive an email with a flyer attached, and the sole text being, "We thought this might be of interest to you" I got excited. Yay, a personalized email solely for me! I must the the one 'you' in the entire universe, I thought. Oh wait. There's nothing at all in the "To" field, not even my email. Drat! I'm in the BCC line, and I've been had.

So children, let it be a lesson to you, that emails are not always unique and personalized. And another lesson, that you should be wary of the BCC line. Oh, how it cleans up the recipient's message box, yes. But that is not a valid reason to shroud them in utter darkness. The power of the BCC line is not one to be taken lightly. Now go be merry or do whatever you kids do these days.

Tags: life school ramblings


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