Wired NextFest Says: The Future Is Now!
Saturday September 15th, 2007Yesterday, I went with my dad to Wired NextFest. It was really cool, but especially because everything there encouraged interaction. It's not one of those lame conventions where you just gawk at stuff–they really want you to touch stuff and just try things out. I've never been near so much cool tech and seen so few "Do not touch" signs. I was looking at a display set up for Keepon and Hideki Kozima himself was there ready to answer any questions. The same was true for pretty much everything there. One of the niftiest doodads on display was a solar cell shaped like half of a sphere to increase efficiency.
There were a lot of displays that interacted via cellphones, too. For example, I played a game of Hungry Hungry Hippos on a big screen. To play, I dialed in a number to connect. To play, I said "Grab!" every time I wanted the Hippo associated with my number to grab. I got second place. There were two interactive text projects, where text messages sent to a specific number would be displayed in some novel way. One was an interactive comic strip, and the other was an aquarium. Anyways, I'm really glad that I attended.
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