Zach Margolis


Mini Update, Mega Ideas

Wednesday April 16th, 2008

I haven't had any significant things happen to me or around me in the past week or so. However, the websites that I'm working on have advanced in leaps and bounds. I was asked to mimic and older design and update it (make the code easier to read, add the new logo, and such) and finished that off in about an evening.

Well that was Friday. What have I been doing since then? I've been almost literally pouring my heart and soul into the redesign of the Regents Scholars Society site. The new design is gorgeous and slick and subtle. Since the last time I really dug into that site was about six months ago, I've learned a lot of little things that I can now apply to improve both the back end and front end. I'm really excited, and I'll brag about the site some more as soon as its launched, hopefully about two weeks from now. If it's any sooner, then I'll have been skimping on my schoolwork.

Tags: portfolio projects


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