Zach Margolis


SHAZAM! Even Newer New Design

Sunday February 17th, 2008

Concurrently with what I consider my best design yet, I'd like to announce the addition of a comments system. You can get there either by navigating to the archives or clicking the links that should appear on the blog page. I now set thee free, blog to the wonderful people of the Internet.

Also, I redesigned my portfolio sections, web design and video to match each other. I replaced the fancy Javascript effects with something home-brewed, and if you have Javascript turned off, you should be redirected to a static page. Please enjoy!

Tags: site update


Here's the first comment to test this out.

"Wow, Zach! I love your design!"

Zach Margolis on February 17th at 5:46 PM make me laugh... hahahahaha
Poopy face on February 17th at 9:16 PM
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A user on February 17th at 9:16 PM
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A user on February 17th at 9:49 PM
Zach you sly little technology creature you. The new design rocks man. I haven't really touched any html in a while. Doing crazy flash stuff for Phil at Yamaha.
Oley on February 20th at 7:47 PM
hi zack, im looking for zack and alex margolis, they live in PA, went to cobbossee.. if this is u pls get bk at me so so important trying to find u both. If not im so sorry for intrusion.
scotti wilson on February 29th at 8:36 PM
Sorry, I don't know who they are. I have cousins who live in PA, but none of them are named Zach or Alex.
Zach Margolis on March 4th at 3:17 PM

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