Zach Margolis


Missed a Spot.

Tuesday September 16th, 2008

Ok, so after my long rant on accessibility, I realized something was missing. The blog Captchas do not function without images. Whoopsidoodle! That kind of undermines the entire point of my earlier post. Well, I just quickly threw together an audio captcha.

Clicking on what is now the image captcha will direct users to an audio file that speaks what they should write in the the box. The alt tag of the image says to click it, which I'd hope makes enough sense to anyone reading. Every so often, it helps to practice what I preach.

Tags: site update


Your captchas were even a problem for those of us who didn't know who anyone cept Spiderman was, so the audio will get used. Like... right now.
Kenneth on September 16th at 9:06 PM
Oh yeah, faulbous stuff there you!
Kaycee on August 21st at 7:55 PM

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